It’s that time of year again: goodbye 2014 – 2015, here we come. For Photocircle, it’s been an exciting year, and thanks to you – our photographers, supporters and friends – a great one, full of small and big achievements. The following 20 pictures contributed a great deal to that: our photos of the year, the most popular and successful pictures on our website in 2014.

Colorful Life by Rada Akbar

Walking the Brooklyn Bridge by Rob van Kessel

Lass die Sonne rein by Jens Fersterra

Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo in winter by Jörg Faißt

Erbore Tribe Kid by Eric Lafforgue

Humid by Hengki Koentjoro

Ostsee by Michael Belhadi

Sea Waves by Manuela Deigert

The Tree by Simon Bode

Silfra by Boris Buschardt

Bjarnarhafnarfjall Sunset by Carsten Meyerdierks

Foggy Forest Creek by Kevin Russ

Portrait of a girl by Senol Zorlu

Cannon Beach by Martin Rak

Charm of China #3 by Victoria Knobloch

Herbstgeschichten by Heiko Gerlicher

Morning Light by Franz Sussbauer

Gasaladur by Boris BuschardtGasaladur von Boris Buschardt

Lachen ist Gesund by Julia DreierLachen ist Gesund von Julia Dreier

Borana Girl by Miro May