Caritas international, the International Department of Caritas Germany, provides emergency and disaster relief throughout the world and sponsors social projects for children, the elderly, the ill and people with disabilities. For example, Caritas international supports projects for street children, former child soldiers or AIDS orphans, promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities into everyday life in society and helps to build networks of domestic care for the ill and the elderly.

Caritas international does not need to fly additional relief workers into disaster areas – they are already there. The network of more than 160 national Caritas organizations worldwide is invaluable. Local Caritas staff are familiar with the on-site conditions and are trusted by their fellow citizens. They ensure that their help reaches people who need it, regardless of their religion, race, nationality or political persuasion.

Caritas Germany strives to spread solidarity and social justice in the world. We campaign for the universal acknowledgement of the inviolability of human dignity. Therefore we stand up against discrimination, violence, intolerance and poverty.

Help for survivors of child abuse

Help for survivors of child abuse

The network "Stolen childhood" provides for a shelter as well as contact centre for children affected by human trafficking and their families. EUR 470 can guarantee psychological, social and legal assistance wi

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100 %
Project goal: 470 €
0,00 € Missing
Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.