An African proverb says, "Many small people who in many small places do many small things that can alter the face of the world.“  

Wunschträume/Netzwerk für Mädchen- & Frauenprojekte e.V. (Dreamworks Network for projects supporting girls and women), a charitable and non-profit-making organization, is a small but commited circle of people who ensure well-directed humanitarian aid. The organization takes in particular care of girls and women.

In many countries worldwide more than 50% of the women can't read or write. Without a basic education there is no development, and without the potential of women, many countries won't find their out of poverty. The main goal of Dreamworks Network is to give more girls and women access to education - to enable them to attend school and inform them about such important issues such as hygiene, nutrition, family planning, circumcision, or HIV / AIDS.

Dreamworks Network believes that the vicious cycle of hunger, poverty, and unemployment can be ultimately only broken through a better education.

kindergarten Burkina Faso

kindergarten Burkina Faso

With your support we give one child in Burkina Faso the opportunity to attend kindergarten for two years.

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94 %
Project goal: 100 €
6,00 € Missing

Child education Burkina Faso

Child education Burkina Faso

With your help we give 6 children in Burkina Faso the opportunity to attend kindergarten.

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100 %
Project goal: 324 €
0,00 € Missing
Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.