Protect Kamalari girls in Nepal

A Project By Plan International


Project Status

Project Goal: 490,00 €
Financed: 490,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Protect Kamalari girls in Nepal

Project Goals

This project is aiming to free Kamalari girls from exploitative working conditions, to grant them access to education and a self-determined life.

Project Location

Nepal, Asia

Plan Plan
Plan Plan

Project Details

Child labor has been banned in Nepal since 2000. However many Tharu girls - an ethnic group in the southwest of Nepal - are still victims of exploitation. The girls are sold as so-called "Kamalari - hard working women" for an annual wage of 40 to 50 euros. At the age of only five years they work as housemaids for wealthy families and land owners. Their days consist of 14 to 16 hours of work and they are often exposed to violence and sexual abuse.

This project supports the organisation Plan International in abolishing the practice of Kamalari and free the girls from exploitative labor conditions. The girls are taken under psychosocial care and reintegrated into their families. They receive access to education are given the opportunity to lead their lives in a self-determined manner.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.