Education for Roma youngsters in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A Project By Students Help to Live


Project Status

Project Goal: 250,00 €
Financed: 250,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Education for Roma youngsters in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project Goals

By supporting this project, you are making it possible for both Roma youngsters and children in Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) to have an access to education and therewith to develop a better perspective for the future.


Project Location

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe


Project Details

Roma have lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other European countries since eternity, and it should be presumed that they are an integrated part of the society. However, the reality is totally different. The biggest part of the society is excluding and crowding the Roma society to the suburbs of big cities, where they then live in their Roma communities.

Most of the families are very poor and very often do not have the means or the possibility to send their children to school. The accessibility of education is very limited for Roma. That means that young Roma people and children grow up without having any perspective whatsoever.

Education is a very important step towards an integration process. With your help we could offer the young people and children of Roma origin the necessary school equipment that would make their access to education a lot easier. This equipment would not just be distributed. It would be an important addition to our on-the-spot activities like Summer Schools that prepare the Roma children of preschool age for the school enrollment.The project team also supports the slower learners who are already enrolled in schools by providing them extra classes. There is once a week a 90-Minute extra tuition for the grades 1-6. Weekly meetings are also offered in the communities of the children during the school year.  The topics of the meetings are: democracy, culture, children rights or leisure activities. Children there are also being counseled when they have problems. We are also organizing different actions in which the Roma and Non-Roma children can interact, in order to eliminate mutual prejudices.

With your help, and through our activities on the spot that are also provided by the volunteers from Germany, we are approaching the reality in which the Roma are a respected part of the society.

With the amount of 250 Euros we are able to purchase 800 notebooks, 40 geometry sets, 80 paintboxes, 80 markers, 80 colored pencils, 80 pencils and 80 erasers.


Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.