Hope Cape Town

A Project By Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung


Project Status

Project Goal: 260,00 €
Financed: 260,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Hope Cape Town

Project Goals

This project supports HIV-positive babies who have developed drug resistance because they were breastfed by their mothers, who have to take anti-retroviral medication.To give them another opportunity in life, the babies will have to undergo a resistence check in order to choose suitable medication for them.

The resistence check as well as the medication are not yet being financed by the government. One check costs the equivalent of 260 Euro.

Project Location

South Africa, Africa

Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung
Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung

Project Details

The HOPE Kapstadt Stiftung was founded in 2007 as a trust foundation of the German AIDS Foundation to sustain the work of the HOPE Cape Association for the future. Since 2004, the German AIDS Foundation sustains projects of the HOPE Cape Town Association and also in the future donations will help people affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa. 

HOPE Cape Town was founded in 2001 and is today a well-established Non-Profit-Organisation operating in the Western Cape Province in the fields of HIV & AIDS and TB prevention, outreach and education. HOPE Capr Town responds wits creative and effective solutions and services in order to address real need and change attitudes and behaviours.

In 2001, the Ithemba Paediatric Ward was opened at Tygerberg Children’s Hospital to provide treatment, care and education to children affected by HIV & AIDS. The core project of HOPE Cape Town is the Community Health Worker Programme. Since 2002, HOPE Cape Town has been training and employing community health workers in various underprivileged areas in the greater Cape Town region. They are providing Voluntary Counselling and Testing to clients in the community clinics, do home and follow-up visits and assist with the compliance and adherence issues. Through the Nutrition Project, HOPE Cape Town provides food parcels to soup kitchens who cater for HIV- and TB-patients on treatment, who suffer from severe hunger and malnutrition.

HOPE Cape Town also conducts workshops on HIV & AIDS awareness and prevention for private companies, schools, other NGO’s or churches.

A small grassroot project funding enables and encourages the HOPE Community Health Worker to initiate local income-generating activities and skill-developing projects on his or her own account.


Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.