10 water filters Myanmar

A Project By CARE


Project Status

Project Goal: 100,00 €
Financed: 100,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

10 water filters Myanmar

Project Goals

By supporting this project you help 10 families in Myanmar to get access to clean water. For 100 € we'll buy 10 ceramic filters for 10 families in Myanmar. It's these simple measures that sustainably improve the living conditions of many.

Project Location

Myanmar, Asia

Project Details

The living conditions in Rakhine State situated in the west of Myanmar are catastrophic. This region is also home to the Rohingya - an ethnic group classified by the United Nations as "the most persecuted minority in the world". Their standard of living is extremely low.

Only 37 percent of them have access to sanitation. Because of the lack of hygiene many children die from diarrheal diseases. The Rohingya live under the continious threat of being excluded or expulsed and have therefore little chance to improve their situation on their own.

By supporting this project, you help 10 families in Myanmar to get ceramic filters so that they have clean drinking and cooking water. Clean water is the basis for all other measures that aim at improving the local living conditions.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.