Help for Syrian refugees

A Project By CARE


Project Status

Project Goal: 160,00 €
Financed: 160,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Help for Syrian refugees

Project Goals

The suffering that came with the Syrian war can not be put in words: four million Syriens are on the run in their own country, two million are seeking refuge in other countries. Everyday more than 4.000 refugees cross the borders of their country, they lost everything. Going back means risking their lifes but staying means living in poverty. 

With 160 € you can send a care package that helps two Syrian families two survive for one month.

Project Location

Syria, Asia

Care Care
Care Care

Project Details

Little Faten never lets go of her red teddy bear. It is the only thing that is left for the two year old from Syria and was a gift by her missing father. When her neighborhood was bombed, her mother and siblings just ran until a truck picked them up and took them to the border of Jordan.

Three quarters of all refugees are women and children. When we ask what they could take from Syria they usually just show us empty hands. Everything had to go fast, most families hoped that they could stay and still survive for too long.

Like Faten and her mother, more than 120.000 refugees have received help from CARE in Jordan and Lebanon. CARE helps with the search for accommodation, food, clean drinking water, provides cash for medicine and rents in the CARE refugee camps. Our partner helps children to find a place in a school and protects women against sexual violence within the camps.    

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.