Moabit hilft! helps 50 Kids to go the zoo

A Project By Moabit helps!


Project Status

Project Goal: 355,00 €
Financed: 355,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Moabit hilft! helps 50 Kids to go the zoo

Project Goals

With your help Photocircle e.V. can make a day away from their emergency shelter possible and invite about 50 kids to spend a day in the Berlin zoo.

Project Location

Germany, Europe

Moabit hilft! Moabit hilft!
Moabit hilft! Moabit hilft!

Project Details

About 50 children live in emergency accomodations in Alt-Moabit, Berlin. These kids don't have much more than a game and study room that has been provided by the initative 'Moabit helps!'. A lot of volunteer work helps them to gather basic necessities to live but there is still a lack for financial aid.

Photocircle e.V.'s first project will provide 50 refugee kids with the funds to visit the zoo and spend a day away from their make shift home. 355€ will pay for the entrance fee as well as for transportation to and from the zoo.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.