Sponsor Olrich in Haiti

A Project By Plan International


Project Status

Project Goal: 336,00 €
Financed: 336,00 €
Missing: 0,00 €

Sponsor Olrich in Haiti

Project Goals

With this sponsorship for eight-year-old Olrich you will support the extension of civil protection in case of natural disasters, the equipment of schools and medical facilities as well as psychosocial care for traumatized children in Haiti.

Project Location

Haiti, Latin America and Caribbean

Plan Plan
Plan Plan
Plan Plan

Project Details

Olrich will turn eight years old this year. Together with his mother and sister he lives in a small concrete house with a metal rooftop. The family uses wood as fuel for cooking and they carry their water from a public water pipe. Olrich attends elementary school, but his way to school is long and exhausting, especially when the roads turn into lakes during the rain season. A sponsorship for Olrich contributes to the communal development in the area where he lives.

The organisation Plan International wants to break the circle of poverty and the subsequent inability of children to participate in social processes. Children like Olrich, their families and communities are thus actively involved in the projects and programmes funded by the sponsorship that costs 28€ a month.

After the disastrous earthquake in Haiti in 2010 the organisation Plan International performed immediate aid supported by sponsorships and has been helping with reconstructing the country since then. The poor hygienic situation and a lack of sanitary facilities resulted in an outbreak of cholera in the fall of 2010. Comprehensive hygienic programmes counteracted the further spread of the epidemic.

The organisation is now planning to make health facilities widely available to contain the mortality rate of children and mothers. Alongside with educational programmes and the construction of schools, a sponsorship contributes to HIV-prevention and psychosocial care for traumatized children. In cooperation with governmental authorities civil protection will be extended and focus particularly on protecting children and women from violence and abuse.

Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 134.587 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 10.766.960 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.